Saturday, March 10, 2012

ALREADY...I've attempted a blog post and it has erased and quit unexpectedly :)  Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come.  I am starting this blog for all those women that want to know the day in, day out LIFE STUFF we live here in PNG.  I had this great starting post about that, but it erased into the PNG internet world of what almost feels like dial-up....even on the 3G network sometimes :)  Welcome!  My intentions for this blog are to give little snapshots in our new life here in PNG.  They'll be super laid back and I may annoy some (unintentionally) and type all in lowercase just b/c i wanna be lazy that particular day :)  I'm not promising the ultimate blog.  Just promising to give you some unique perspectives on life, compared to what mine was in the US.  Hope you enjoy...or at least learn some new things along the way.  Here's my first pic (on our back deck with some of the fruit trees and jungle behind me).  Just the daily Mel.  Wife, Mama, Missionary orientee in training, Language learner, Far-From Betty Crocker, Loves big earrings, Loves hanging out, Hates washing dishes, Loves sweeping, dislikes bugs but is learning a great golf swing b/c of them, Loves that geckos eat the bugs, dislikes finding gecko poo upstairs when i know that i have to go upstairs in the dark some nights to check on the girls, Loves meeting PNG citizens and understanding them more and more each day....and the list goes on...but there's your glimpse.  Until my next post, Mel (or Melly, as many of the native PNG'ers call me)  :)


  1. Love the blog! Love the post! Love the pic! Love & miss you bunches! Thanks for the laughs. I can totally envision you booting bugs off your porch. :) Must admit though, those bugs are no joke in PNG. Typically, how long does a shipment take to get to you from the US? So grateful you all are enjoying your new adventurous life. So grateful for the glimpses. xoxo

  2. Atta Girl!!!
    If you ever check out my blog you will see that I'm over a year what you are giving everyone is fabulouso!! I'm glad you love the geckos. I wonder if the poo can be of some unknown use....cures warts, fertilizer for sweet potatoes...:-)

    1. Oh Happyrockcafe, that is creative thinking; you make me laugh. And Melly, you type however you want to, God loves you no matter what and that is definitely a "grey area." This girl follows blogs anonomously, but you do know me, so don't be sceeeered.

  3. Love it Mel, I can't wait to see more more more!! I am sooo curious about how life goes there, and how the girls are doing etc. Sorry your internet is shaky, but thanks for sharing with us anyway!!
