Monday, March 12, 2012

Super Random Pics in No Particular Order...Just some of the oddities and cool things we've experienced!

Bananas by the masses...YUM! (many kinds...shorter fat ones personal fave!)

Girls on their first hike...this stop, the ducks!

Hiking up the village "stairs" (now's when i wish i'd have p90x'd or something!)

I was SO proud of the girls for walking pretty much the whole way!  Stairs and ALL! (Go Hannah!)

Looks GREAT, except I forgot the cheese, used ham that tasted like dead fish, and after 1.5 hours to bake, our disaster pizza went into the trash as it cause gag reflexes all around (though Sarah tried to make me feel better by saying, "Mom, this tastes good...kinda like seaweed!")  YIKES!
Girls finally got un-shy and started greeting everyone...Morgan will say "Apinun!"...but Hannah thinks we just don't know how to say it right and says "Afternooon!"  haha, cute.

Hannah just dying to pet the gotta be careful around the village animals...this one seemed to be pretty tame.  Pretty, eh?

I was given a "Pamkin" by someone's mother in law...sweet lady.  I didn't know if i was to accept it or not b/c they have a system of giving things knowing that the person will owe you later.  I found out it was just a no strings attached gift though.  Maybe i'll have to make some Pamkin bread and take some to her later  :)

This pikinini meri (little girl) was washing dishes, so that of course drew my girls in.  They thought she was just getting to play washing dishes.  But she really WAS washing the family's dishes.  Cute how kids can break through barriers :)
Hannah got the puddin' scared out of her when she went to look in this "house".  This huge pig jumped up just as she was peering in, and she about jumped out of her skin!  Guess that's what she gets for snooping :)  haha
I thought I'd give it a go with carrying something on my head.  This was NOTHING compared to the 50lb. coffee bean bags that most ladies carry on their heads...sometimes even while they carry a child!!  I'm gonna have to up the Pumpkin size and strengthen my neck!


  1. uummmm, how do you forget cheese on pizza? lol. Loving the pics!

  2. thanks for the fun pics! sad pizza though! Sarah is so sweet. I am just crackin' up right now! seaweed! wipe it all off and eat the bread?

  3. Looks like the girls are taking to PNG like ducks to water! Aren't kids just the best? We love you guys!
